Dani Alexander Named Urban Wild Writer In Residence At Freshkills Park
(Photo: Lynette Thompson)
The official announcement can be found on the Freshkills Park Alliance website here.
"Urban Omnibus, Freshkills Park, and the jury panel are pleased to announce the winner of the inaugural Urban Wild Writer Residency. This residency seeks to bring a first-hand perspective to topics that include the environment, technology, urban life, nature, and waste. One writer will gain personal access to the diverse ecosystems present in the unopened park in late summer, 2018. The writer will produce a work of creative nonfiction engaging with the contemporary metropolitan landscape to be published online by Urban Omnibus in the fall of 2018."
2018 Urban Wild Writer Residency Winner:
Dani Alexander
A practicing landscape architect with a passion for writing, Urban Wild Writer-in-Residence Dani Alexander plans to spend her five days at Freshkills Park walking the site and collecting impressions of “its techno-nature, tracing its regenerative processes: activities of creepy-crawlies, the movement of water, layers of constructed soils, seeping of gasses, and more.” In addition to the resultant lyric essay to be published by Urban Omnibus, Dani will continue her practice of making pocket-sized booklets to document the process and material qualities of the site and her residency experience of the “ever-changing” Freshkills Park.