Cleveland Park Residence


The Story

This had been the Client’s childhood home and many of the plantings had been put in by her parents, but there were also several items of deferred maintenance – a tipping retaining wall, cracked concrete walk, and large areas of mulch where not much would grow. She loved that you could hear the National Cathedral’s bells in the distance, and so we wanted to create a sanctuary-like space for her and her family. We worked to carefully integrate new and old plantings, using lighting and new paving to define rooms within the yard.

The Highlights

Location: Washington, DC

Timeline: 2022 - 2023

Material Palette: Brick, Bluestone


  • Large areas of existing plantings preserved or transplanted

  • Two heritage trees preserved

  • 60% native species selected

  • Biodiversity increased to include over 15 new species


Palisades Residence


Reston Residence